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“Sales is a numbers game”. How many times have you heard that?

“Half of all marketing expense is wasted, we just don’t know which half”. Is that familiar?

What if they were just excuses to play it safe, not question our self-fulfilling beliefs, and continue to do what we have always done?

Playing it safe.

Experience tells us that if we want more sales, we have 3 options. Invest time and money and:

Do more! More marketing, more sales effort, more people.
Do it better! Up-skill the sales team, up-grade website and up-date the sales strategy.
Do it differently! Re-brand, re-position, re-vision.

All of which work, but often just well enough to give us an excuse to play it safe and continue with what we know.

Because of this, we can fail to consider using an infinitely powerful, free resource that is always available. Our inner courage.

Courage. A three-step process.

Ask yourself the following question. “What would I do if I had NO FEAR and knew I could NOT FAIL?”
Who would you “cold call” that could transform your business?

Where would you make a speech that would re-position you as an authority or industry thought leader?

How would you talk to a prospect? To a customer?

What stretch goal would you set yourself that would help you achieve the success you know you and your family deserve?

What ambitious plan would you build to achieve your vision of success?

If you think of something preposterous, something that you want to dismiss out of hand without really examining too closely, something that you want to back away from instinctively, don’t. Courage is acknowledging those things that scare us, but we do it any way.
Share your options and your plan with a trusted advisor. Have them hold you accountable for taking action, learning a invaluable lessons from your failures and success, and encourage you to keep going.
Success is the other side of the fear barrier- Sven Goran Eriksson

Courage is stumbling from failure to failure with no loss of enthusiasm- Winston Churchill

No one achieves greatness by playing it safe- DH Sandler


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